I am taking a break from my regular post. Post about brain health, mindset, and wellness. I am interrupting my schedule with justice quotes instead.
In light of recent events, this is my way of standing up for what I feel is right. This is my way of trying to inspire others.
I know people are hurting. People are confused. And others just don't know what to say, what to do, or what to think.
I've been all over the place. So, here's what I've been doing. I've been listening to stories, I've been reading articles, looking at inspirational justice quotes from others, and I'm educating myself by reading. Because right now... that's my JOB. It's my JOB to educate myself.
If I want to make the world a better place, it starts with me. Likewise, it starts within you.
For example, it's just like my brain health, mindset, and wellness posts. I started out with learning, believing, standing up for what I feel is right, then spreading my knowledge to others through writing and social media.
Listen. Educate. Believe. Stand. Spread knowledge. Because, my friends, knowledge is power.
So, today, this post is about justice.
Justice Quote #1
A question to ponder-- what does humanity mean to you? What can you do in your life that could benefit others?
Yes, you may be one small person... but one small person can do a lot. Speak up... whether that is actually speaking or silently donating and telling your friends about it or educating yourself and spreading the knowledge you've learned to others.
There are many different forms. You don't have to go into a crowd and speak loud. Do what you can... but don't sit back.
However, you do it... know that people are listening.
Inspirational Justice Quotes
Put yourself in someone else's shoes. If you were them, would you want what's happening to them... done to you?
Really think about this. Would you want to go through their pain? Do you want to feel that anger? What about suffering... would you want that? Would you want to feel lesser than humans?
Feeling like you've gone too long without saying anything? Martin Luther King, Jr. said it best... "The time is always right to do what is right."
It's not too late. I know some are frozen with fear of what to say. But say something anyway. Whether that is posting images on social media. That's a great start.
But just say something. Let people know what you stand for.
It starts within, my friend. So, do that important work of educating.
Listen to people who are going through this and continue to go through it. Likewise, Use your listening ears (this is what I always say to my elementary students).
We all live different lives. That does not mean one is better than the other. It does not make you more important than someone else. And it most certainly does not make you more of a human than someone else.
We are all humans. We are all going through this thing called life. Step up for each other.
Justice Resources
Here's a great guide that I've been using to help educate myself. This guide was prepared by a woman named Melyssa Griffin. She has been adding to it as well with up-to-date information.
It has a list of questions being asked, videos to watch, articles to read, books to read, and places to donate.
This guide has helped me work through some of my own feelings. Also, it has helped me learn more about the movement.
She also has a section about how to take action. So, if you are struggling to figure out what in the world to do... I recommend you take a look!
As I say, knowledge is power. We have to spread it... not keep it to ourselves. Because that's not helping anyone.
Feel free to check out this guide. She is also asking that you share it with others.

Certified Brain Health Coach
Owner of SustainaBRAIN