Mindfulness in itself has become quite the buzzword. For those unfamiliar, it might conjure images of people sitting cross-legged, meditating. In reality, it’s a way of life and a way to improve your overall well-being.

Calm the Spiraling Thoughts to Improve Your Overall Well-being
We can all get caught in a tizzy of worry and frustration, but you don’t have to keep those thoughts swirling around in your head.
Keep a journal, a file on your computer, or just scribble on anything handy, when you’re feeling overwhelmed with thought.

If you haven’t practiced journaling before, this might sound silly, but getting your thoughts into real physical words in front of you can play a huge role in calming the mind and putting your worries at ease.
Belly Breathing
When we breathe, it’s usually with shallow breaths.
Look down, do you see your chest rising and falling? That’s the autopilot way of breathing, especially if we’re running or performing other high-cardio activities that get your heart racing.

In order to bring your body back to a state of calm, you’ll want to breathe through your diaphragm, so that your tummy is rising and falling as you breathe.
Tend to Yourself
As humans, we require a few basic things including food, rest, and cleanliness. As we perform these necessities, we can either operate on autopilot or be mindful of the way we care for ourselves.
When you prepare your food, prepare it as you would for a guest or loved one. Make it look pretty, use a decorative bowl or plate, and make sure that it’s well-rounded and nourishing whenever possible. Feel gratitude for the food you have to fuel your body.
Make your bedroom as clutter-free as possible, pick out sheets that make you feel calm and cozy, and make your bed – you deserve it!

Whether you just brush your teeth before bed or perform a 12-step skincare ritual, do it mindfully. Instead of slapping on moisturizer after a shower, gently caress your skin as if you were being treated at a spa. Be thankful for the body that you’re able to care for.