The power of the breathwork is often underutilized for overcoming negative emotions. The next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by negative emotions, try this simple technique:
Inhale through your nose as you count to 5. Hold your breath for 2 seconds, then exhale through your nose for another 5 seconds. Even after your first breath, you will feel a noticeable difference. Continue taking several slow deep breaths.
You may notice your shoulders releasing as you exhale and your spine lengthening as you inhale. This is your body's physical response to letting go of negative emotions and stress.

A Breathwork Response Rather Than A Reaction
Negative emotions often encourage us to react immediately to a given scenario. We may react to anger by lashing out, or sadness may cause us to withdraw and reject people around us.
Instead, use your negative emotions as a time to develop your understanding of how you react. This will allow you to switch to positive ways of responding—which in many cases means learning that no reaction is required at all.
Instead of reacting immediately, take a moment to breathe and then respond.
Negative Emotions At Work
The workplace can be a great source of joy and achievement for many. However, the workplace can also be a battleground for dissatisfaction and a range of negative emotions.
The most commonly experienced negative emotions include anger, fear, jealousy, guilt, and apathy.
When you feel any negative emotions being triggered in the workplace, try removing yourself from the situation. Go for a walk, get some fresh air, etc. Take a moment to focus on your breathing, the sights and smells around you, and create a state of calm. Doing so will help you address any issue more rationally.